Saturday, May 16, 2009

Corporate Athelete

Core Values:
1. Have faith in God
2. Balance: Work life balance
3. Happiness: Live happily & bring happiness to others without waiting for return
4. Courage: Say the truth, never be shy, have a point & present it sa7
5. Freedom: freedom of choice

Being a Corporate Athelete, i want to do the following:
1. 45 minutes walking
2. Daily exercise
3. Sunnat al3esha we alzohr
4. Daily reading Quran ( 1page)
5. Stop Complaining
6. A sip of water every 10 minutes

Take aways:
1. Mat2alebsh fe alsa7lab keteer :)
2.Be focused, mosh 2ay focus, let it be Laser focus
3. Have passion & thinking positively
4. Have faith & purpose in life
5. Be physically fit
6. Osiliation - No pain No gain - effort & recovery
7. Multi-tasking means no extra-ordinary task
8.Full capacity is a result of continous training, take it gradually
9.Walk the talk, lama t2ol kelma 7'alik 2adaha we 7'alik gada3

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